Vista and Fiddling

In having installed Vista on my PC and getting to know the OS, I’m struck with something that I had almost forgotten about since I started using a Mac full-time: you have to fiddle with the thing incessantly to get it to work.

Just today I tried to print from it — heavens, what a chore. It connected to my printer on my Mac OK, but the printing was unbelievably sluggish, and a larger document wouldn’t print at all. Eventually the thing just froze up and I had to restart the entire computer before I could even delete the printer I had added. Along the way it stopped playing an mp3 file — the counter kept moving along in WMP, but the sound had been cut off for some unbeknownst reason. And Explorer kept crashing as long as I was trying to get rid of the offending printer.

Honestly, I don’t know why I do this to myself…just my curiosity, I guess…endless fiddling and bother with an operating system on a computer I don’t need.

I have a friend who nicknamed his Mac “Mrs. Madrigal”, after the character in “Tales of the City” who, asked if she objected to a houseguest smoking, answered: “My dear, I object to nothing.” His Mac reminded him of that — the computer that objects to nothing.

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