Author Archives: Scott Foglesong


Maybe you remember Shelob from The Lord of the Rings. If you don’t: Shelob is a gigantic spider-like creature who dwells in a labyrinthine cave in the mountains above Mordor, from which she attacks those who wander by, immobilizes them … Continue reading

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Bossy Bossy

I think we all know the type: a big guy (usually middle aged) who explains things to everybody in loud, bombastic, tedious detail. Who sternly informs you how you aren’t doing it right. Who is the only person who KNOWS … Continue reading

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Morning Trauma

I begin with the assertion that my early mornings are, on the whole, trauma-free. My morning schedule is well established, the usual regimen of bathroom-shower-dress-breakfast. On workdays (MWF) I get up early enough to ensure that I’m not rushed. Nor … Continue reading

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Desert Island: Mozart 39

Certain pieces make me happier like no others. There’s nothing rational about any of this, nothing logical, nothing I can present to the jury for defense. They’re just my favorite, desert-island, can’t-live-without-them pieces. Here’s one. Mozart: Symphony No. 39 in … Continue reading

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Silence is Golden

I have a thing for quiet. Probably more than most people. I’m disturbed by all kinds of noises, from light bonks to moderate thrashes to unsettling thwocks. Motorcycles and helicopters are anathema. People talking loudly can render me borderline homicidal.  … Continue reading

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Sitting Pretty

When I bought my house in 2015, I took on a truly sizable debt, not just the usual credit card balances or car payments. This was a great looming thing, a mortgage. Six figures. Intimidating. The intimidation didn’t last long. … Continue reading

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Sometimes You Can Go Back

Fascinated by recordings at an early age, but saddled with a kid’s limited budget and even more limited accessibility from my perch in a western Denver suburb, I discovered Ernest Ansermet and the Suisse Romande orchestra by sheer happenstance. In … Continue reading

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Grow, Grow

I’m not any kind of accomplished gardener. I let things grow too much. Sometimes I learn about some plant’s light or heat requirements by messing it up and eventually plopping it into the green can, destined to become mulch or … Continue reading

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Scrappy, Scratchy, Screechy

One of my favorite moments in Cervantes’ Don Quixote occurs when he lets on that he knows perfectly well that he’s living in a fantasy land. On the subject of Aldonza Lorenzo, the country barmaid that he has elevated into the … Continue reading

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My Piano Besties, Part 1

It occurs to me that I haven’t written about my own favorite pianists. As a pianist myself I’m bound to have some opinions on the matter; after all, I taught an entire semester course at the Fromm Institute about the … Continue reading

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