Author Archives: Scott Foglesong

Once Upon an Album Dreary

Nonesuch H-71291 has been a highly regarded album since the 1970s. Consider this rave: This LP has been on the TAS (The Absolute Sound, a magazine for audiophiles) list for years. It consists of very modern percussion compositions by a … Continue reading

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Just in case you need guidance, I'm the guy on the left in the picture above. It was taken around 1985 or so — i.e., when I was just a bit over 30 years old. I couldn't have weighed more … Continue reading

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Busy Beaver

I’m not sure that I even want to do this. The idea, having insinuated itself into my consciousness, pecks at me, like a yappy dog or a frustrated spouse. There is nothing for it but to carry out the deed … Continue reading

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The Limits of Anal Retention

I haven't the slightest problem admitting to being a bonafide, Type A, full-court-press anal retentive. I keep my flatware neatly arranged in a Rubbermaid silverware organizer, and if any of the neat stacks of forks or spoons tip over, I … Continue reading

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Update, Schmupdate

It can’t be that I’m getting old. No way. Losing my edge? Nonsense. Manifesting the hyper-caution of the elderly? Poppycock. Afraid of anything new? Horsefeathers. But I’m thoroughly fed up with software updates and their resultant havoc. These days I’ve … Continue reading

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Gerhardt at the Movies

Back in the 1970s ace record producer and conductor Charles Gerhardt blessed posterity with a series of LPs that remain touchstones for quality audio and spiffy presentation. No Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, or Tchaikovsky here, though: these were albums of meticulously … Continue reading

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An Old Flame, Still Burning Bright

He was my hero. I was an odd kid. Your average suburban kid idolizes football players or pitchers or rock stars or maybe even movie actors. But not me. My hero was an elderly (by the time I elevated him) … Continue reading

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Living Tradition

Modern-day teaching theories are all well and good. Well, at least some of them are. There's a lot of poppycock and snake oil out there masquerading as teaching advice, most of it written in polysyllabic gobbledegook and bristling with phrases … Continue reading

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Turtles Pointing at the Moon

Teachers of Buddhadharma are quick to point out that the teachings—whether spoken or written or however communicated—are the finger pointing at the moon, and not the moon itself. The Tao Te Ching puts it just as succinctly: That which can … Continue reading

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Two Days, Two Stores

America has worse problems than offputting, soulless, cold, inhuman and inhumane retail establishments. Suffering through the degradation of BestBuy or Walgreen's is hardly the stuff of tragedy. Nonetheless there's no excuse for it. A store need not be dehumanizing. Stores … Continue reading

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