Author Archives: Scott Foglesong

My Harvard Years

There lived not long since, in a certain village of the Mancha, the name whereof I purposely omit, a gentlemen of their calling that use to pile up in their halls old lances, halberds, morions, and other such armours and … Continue reading

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Not by Accident

The water off Malibu is neither as clear nor as tropically colored as the water off La Jolla. The beaches at Malibu are neither as white nor as wide as the beach at Carmel. The hills are scrubby and barren, … Continue reading

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The Promise of Music

Most of us live in a near-constant state of sensory overload. We are pummeled, assaulted, hassled, and exhausted in a whirlwind of frenetic activity as we rush to our next appointment, honk our way through rush-hour gridlock, and vie for … Continue reading

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Cans Again

I’m not made out of money. Neither am I poor. I work assiduously for my five, count ’em, five employers—one of which graces me with a full-time salary and excellent benefits in return for the lion’s share of my professional … Continue reading

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Fifteen Minutes

Jacqueline Howett is having her Warholean fifteen minutes. Even that soupçon of fame was unlikely, but she had the temerity to attack a blogger for a negative review of her self-published Amazon Kindle novel, The Greek Seaman. The subsequent Twitter-fied … Continue reading

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Circular Straw Men and Their Biased Premises

I finally took an opportunity to listen to a famous or—depending on your point of view—infamous recording: the Bach two-violin concerto BWV 1043, performed by Jascha Heifetz on violin with Franz Waxman conducting an RCA Victor studio orchestra, committed to … Continue reading

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Disarming a Prose Assassin

Just as historians in their quest to understand the construction and transmission of meaning, musicologists are turning to new inquiries into cultural representations and their social dynamics, while remaining aware of music’s distinctive “register” of representation as an abstract language … Continue reading

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Career Morph

I would like each of you to answer the following question, said our Dean during a recent meeting of department chairs. The question: what is one thing you wish you had learned in college, and didn’t? I was sitting on … Continue reading

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Millennials and Ys, Oh My

Two Google searches, one for "teaching millennials" and the other "teaching gen y" produced quite the bevy of hits. As a teaching veteran, still deeply engaged and successful with his students, I was intrigued to read about strategies for dealing … Continue reading

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The Zune: Final Remarks

In September 2008 I added an article to San Francisco Classical Music Examiner (I don’t write that column anymore) in which I compared Microsoft’s Zune Marketplace software to Apple’s iTune Store. The idea was to find out how well Zune … Continue reading

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