Author Archives: Scott Foglesong

A Lexicon of Mine Own: D

Davies Symphony Hall. Increasingly a home away from home. I perform solo on the stage regularly throughout the season in my capacity as pre-concert lecturer and I also enjoy excellent seats during weeks in which I’m either lecturing or have … Continue reading

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A Lexicon of Mine Own: C

Camelot. I suffered from a nasty case of mononucleosis over the summer of 1965, when I was eleven years old. Our family doctor had misdiagnosed the ailment and was worried that I had something a lot more exotic—just what, he … Continue reading

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A Lexicon of Mine Own: B

Bach. My musical culture is broad, to say the least. I know a lot of music and my sphere keeps expanding all the time. But I always come home to Johann Sebastian Bach, the composer who defines a league of … Continue reading

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A Lexicon of Mine Own: A

A. Grade inflation is a fact of academic life these days, exacerbated by a generation of students who have been raised to think that they are unfailingly extraordinary. Everybody wins, and even when they don’t it’s spun into a good … Continue reading

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Post-Partum, But No Depression

I have completed 48 hours without a cat. It’s been a long time since I was catless. I’m out of practice. But I’ll adapt. Sixteen years of living with an 8-pound furball has produced a set of still-active conditioned reflexes. … Continue reading

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Knowing When to Stop

A sweet and abiding relationship is about to come to an end — my sixteen years with my great little kitty April. Tomorrow morning I take her to her vet to have her put down. It hasn’t been an easy … Continue reading

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Reanimating Old Audio

Of late my projects have required me to revive some old records, both the vinyl LP and shellac 78 RPM variety. Funny how I thought I was through with all that as each medium died out—open-reel tapes first, then vinyl … Continue reading

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I have a penchant for exploring composers previously unknown to me. Not absolutely all of them, I should hasten to add. For some odd reason I invariably give a pass to some guy with a doctorate from Columbia who focuses … Continue reading

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Once a Nerd

A recent article by Michael Lavorgna on the Stereophile web site caught my eye. Reflections on the Audiophile Image opens by wondering whatever happened to the idea of high-end audio as cool, just the thing for one’s bachelor pad, the … Continue reading

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They Weren’t Beethoven

Western music has seen some momentous occurrences. The gradual development of polyphony. Secular music first acquiring parity with the sacred variety, then going on to outdistance it by a significant margin. Instrumental music’s evolution from the bandstand into a full-fledged … Continue reading

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