Author Archives: Scott Foglesong

Clean ‘Er Up

I recently digitized a few LPs for a friend. He was duly impressed by the lovely sound that his presumably obsolete vinyl discs were still capable of producing, so he asked me to show him how I remastered an LP … Continue reading

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Battle of the Speeds

From time to time the recording industry indulges in a format-war blowout, inevitably to consumer disadvantage. A current medium comes to be seen as inadequate; competing companies introduce new, mutually-incompatible media that promise improvement; nobody talks to anybody else; the … Continue reading

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Teen Angst, Teen Comedy

Back when I was in my teens I often had the sneaking suspicion that the adults in my general vicinity were laughing at me behind my back. Chalk some of that up to generic teen paranoia. But my suspicions were … Continue reading

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Fresh Hearing

Another summer rounds the curve towards the final stretch to the forthcoming fall, for this combo academic-performer the dividing line between one year and the next. Casting my thoughts forward by a few weeks, I’m starting to think about those … Continue reading

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A Love Letter to OL 5090

I’m awash in childhood audio nostalgia. I suppose it was the Nutcracker Suite that did it, as I came across my very first grown-up record tucked away in the dining room closet and discovered that with a bit of software … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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Shellac Romance

Of late my work has mandated that I become reasonably adept at transcribing 78 RPM records into digital format. That’s just peachy; I relish acquiring a new skill set, no matter how arcane. But 78s aren’t arcane. They are what … Continue reading

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A Lexicon of Mine Own: F

F. I hate flunking students—well, most of the time I hate it. Sometimes I don’t feel one way or the other about it, especially if the student in question has been conspicuous in his/her absence for most of the semester. … Continue reading

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A Lexicon of Mine Own: E

Educator. Something I’m not, never have been, never will be. Educators are people who talk a good game but can’t teach their way out of a paper bag. They write screeds about teaching and speak in hypersyllabic educationese. But they … Continue reading

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The Years of Listening Badly

Observe the timeline in the graphic below. Along its axis, from 1925 to roughly the present, are arrayed the five critical changeover years in audio history. Each of those particular dates carries with it a warning to the discerning listener, … Continue reading

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