Author Archives: Scott Foglesong

An Unassigned Writer

Earlier this week I submitted my last paid writing assignment for this particular season, a program note on Handel’s Alexander’s Feast for the Philharmonia Baroque’s April 2012 concerts. That might give you an idea of the lead times required in … Continue reading

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Depression Cure, My Ass

There are people who are so deeply soaked in their own vat of opinion that they can't see when they're spouting nonsense. One of the more blatant examples comes with a well-meaning but ridiculous little article "5 Foods to Eat … Continue reading

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Reasonably Tidy

An article in today's New York Times strikes me as being more a documentation of mental illness and less an informative puff piece. It's all about those hyper-clean types who come all unglued on the subject of soap scum or … Continue reading

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Clean ‘Er Up, Part Deux

I treated myself to my Christmas present early this year. Not one word, you hear me, not a peep. You're a Buddhist, you don't do Christmas. I know, I know, I know. Shaddup. But I gave myself my Christmas present … Continue reading

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Beautiful but Short-Lived: The RCA Victor Showpieces

There were just sixteen in all: SP-1 through SP-16, lavishly illustrated two-disc 78rpm sets from the 1940s. The RCA Victor Showpieces were encased in light-cardboard gatefold albums, similar to the open-book style used for later 2-disc LP sets. They were … Continue reading

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Too Much of an Audiophile, Maybe

I'm not a hardcore audiophile. (He said bravely, clutching desperately to whatever shreds of delusion yet remained.) That is to say, I haven't bankrupted myself acquiring a rig so high-priced as to buy a nice house in many parts of … Continue reading

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Cultural Monuments in their Salad Days

Given my professorial life, I spend most of my time working with 18-25 year olds. No objections there, mind you: that age is a time in life that I particularly cherish. My own sojourn through early adulthood was generally good; … Continue reading

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All Praise the Mighty Reissue

The record industry continues to enrich the buying public by rummaging around in copious back catalogs and re-issuing worthy stuff from the past. Just recently I picked up a number of spiffy box sets: Furtwängler: The Great EMI Recordings (21 … Continue reading

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Giulini and a Brahmsian Ideal

As a dyed-in-the-wool record enthusiast/collector/nut, I own a hefty assortment of Brahms symphony recordings. By "hefty" I refer to my 25 separate recordings of the First, matched by similar numbers for the remaining three. 18 of the Haydn Variations. I'll … Continue reading

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Go Ahead, Sit There

Back in my early twenties, during a visit to see the family, I was watching the news. One item particularly incensed me. It seems that twenty years previously a large company had known about, but had done nothing about, severe … Continue reading

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