Author Archives: Scott Foglesong

So Very Important

Roy Harris's Third Symphony came into being in 1939. That might have been Hollywood's bonanza year, but for everybody else, times were tough. Hitler's murderous tentacles were stretching across Europe, Italy had gone Fascist, everybody was rightfully nervous about Stalin. … Continue reading

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Ring-a-Ding Begone

City living is apt to impose a host of minor ills upon us, the death of a thousand cuts as one petty annoyance follows another. Since we all have our peeves, buttons, and sore spots, ruffled pinfeathers is the price … Continue reading

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Ennui lunaire

Henry T. Finck, ace music critic for the New York Evening Post, had this to say about a 1923 performance of Schoenberg's Pierrot lunaire: "Arnold Schoenberg is one of the most learned of Austrian professors, a musician of profound attainments. … Continue reading

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The Contract

In 1964 the Cold War was throbbing along, racial strife was tearing at the fabric of American society, and academic serialist composers held a dismaying number of trump cards in the career game. Young composers, particularly in America, were faced … Continue reading

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The Shifting Orchestral Landscape

Part of my summer has been devoted to settling in with stacks of recordings of several American orchestras in their earlier incarnations, in particular the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra back in the 'fifties and 'sixties, when Antàl Dorati and Stanislaw Skrowaczewski … Continue reading

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Guy with a Stick

As a bonafide orchestra wonk, I spend significant chunks of my day listening to the end products of guys wielding a stick in front of an assembly of fine musicians. Over time I've established relationships with conductors, forged in a … Continue reading

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Wingèd Mercury

In the early days a single Telefunken U-47 microphone was entrusted to capturing the lavish sound of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Just one little ol' microphone, suspended about 25 feet above the podium in Orchestra Hall. No fussing, no twiddling, … Continue reading

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Comfort Music

We all know about comfort food, those special dishes that we reserve for those times when we require soothing, calming, or reassuring. They vary with the individual but typically they are uncomplicated and homely fare, stuff that may lack aristocracy … Continue reading

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On the Banks

Creativity wears many hats. None of us have any problem recognizing a novelist, playwright, composer, painter, or sculptor as a creative artist. I'm none of those. Yet I consider myself a creative artist, although some might limit my membership to … Continue reading

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The Ritual

Somewhere there sits a timer that goes off periodically and indicates that it's time for yet another mainstream media article decrying the convoluted ritual of attending a symphony orchestra concert. Said timer went ding this past week and this article … Continue reading

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