Author Archives: Scott Foglesong

Mixed Veggies on Rice

I don't usually troll the newspapers for recipes. Once in a while something catches my eye, in this case a "healthy eating" recipe in one of our major metropolitan dailies. You know the kind of recipe I mean—it looks crisp … Continue reading

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The Other Dvořák D Minor

If you're any kind of connoisseur of things symphonic, undoubtedly you're well versed in the magisterial Dvořák Symphony No. 7 in D Minor, one of the towering landmarks of the late Romantic. If you're not, then hop to it. Nobody … Continue reading

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Herr Strauss and Signor Tenorio

I may be a busy beaver from September through May, but in the lazy summer months I have time to take on amusing and not terribly important projects. In addition to buffing up my record library and seeing to a … Continue reading

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That First Step’s a Whopper

Dipping that first toe into the audio stream can be a daunting challenge. I have a friend who has been frozen at water’s edge for some time; he’s wary, a little scared, and more than a little intimidated. It was … Continue reading

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Every once in a while I protest—ever more feebly, I realize—that I’m not really an audiophile. That I’m just a guy with a discriminating ear, a mitochondrial devotion to music, and enough disposable income (and the legitimate tax deduction) to … Continue reading

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Herbert Triumphans

July 16 is the anniversary of Herbert von Karajan's death. I'm of several minds where taking note of somebody's death-day is concerned. On the one hand, it's kind of creepy. On the other hand, the day of one's death is … Continue reading

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In the Beginning

Last night I was scrolling through the cable-TV onscreen guide and came across Turner Classic Movies showing a goodly selection of short flicks by Georges Meliès, all dating from around 1902 through 1906. In case you aren't familiar with Meliès: … Continue reading

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To a Feckless Youth

Dear Mr. Junge, I am writing you via this relatively public venue in the interest of honoring my part of our agreement, which was to offer you advice concerning your future career path. I warn you in advance that I … Continue reading

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Impressionism à l’Anglaise

We all associate impressionism with the French. That’s hardly surprising, nor is it inappropriate. The French more or less invented the stuff, after all. Those marvelous painters such as Monet and Renoir with their bewitching color combinations, luminous light, and … Continue reading

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Say Yes

Back in my freelancing/whore days I was hired to accompany a john cellist who had secured a one-night, one-set gig in a cocktail lounge. Aside from the oddity of a cello-piano duo in a cocktail lounge, the transaction impressed me … Continue reading

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